“The trireme and the Battle of Salamis”

Exhibition at Eugenides Foundation

The Eugenides Foundation proudly presents the special exhibition “The Trireme and the Battle of Salamis”, celebrating the 2500-year anniversary from the historic battle.

The exhibition prompts us to consider:

– How did the trireme evolve into the most effective weapon of antiquity and what role did it play in the victory of the Greeks?

– What do we really know about the trireme and the naval battle of Salamis from the surviving sources?

– How new technologies help us approach the historical past?

Based on historical documentation and using state-of-the-art technologies, the exhibition focuses on the presentation of the trireme as a historic ship of particular importance, as well as on aspects and the naval battle. The exhibition features digital ship plans, a 3D-printed trireme model, virtual reality applications and games for our younger visitors.

A virtual version of the exhibition is now available!

13.10.2021 until 17.05.2022 / Admission free

@Eugenides Foundation

387, Syggrou Ave. 17564, P. Faliro

entrance from 11, Pentelis str.

Opening times: Wednesday-Friday 17:00-21:00, Saturday & Sunday 10:45-21:00 Monday & Tuesday closed

Admission is free and booking is not necessary. Visitors are kindly requested to follow the updated terms of visit to the Eugenides Foundation.

The Eugenides Foundation is a COVID-Free space and complies with all the appropriate safety and protection measures against the spread of COVID-19, as defined by the Greek Health Authorities