NAVS Educational Programme
The trireme and the battle of Salamis in the 21st century
A special programme for schools featuring VR experiences and more…
The NAVS Project invites its young friends to a spectacular visit to the battle of Salamis and the ancient trireme and promises to deliver a unique VR experience that will help them see history from a fresh perspective.
This programme aims to offer pupils the chance to see history from a fresh perspective. Starting from the trireme, the most powerful warship of ancient times, the tour will guide students through ancient Athens, the Persian Wars, and the Battle of Salamis. It will also prompt them to reflect on the nature of history: how we know what we know about the past?
New technologies and simple activities stimulate students’ curiosity, ingenuity and creativity. The session also includes games (touch screen), hands-on tasks (handling of model, blackboard chalk drawing) and solving puzzles (arithmetic calculations for oars and rowers). The content is developed according to experiential learning principles.
Duration: 90 minutes
Ages: Primary Year 3 – Year 6
Maximum number of participants: groups of 12 pupils per session
Free, booking essential.
How to book
Bookings are open to schools and other educational groups. Please call 210 94 69 641
(Monday-Friday: 9:30 – 16:30)
For group bookings we need the total number of the group, and the name, phone number and email of the person in charge of the group.
Tel: 210 94 69 641
Safety and protection measures against COVID-19
Our main responsibility is to keep everyone safe, both visitors and staff.
School group visits to the Eugenides Foundation are organised according to the Greek Health Authorities COVID-19 safety and protection measures for educational settings that are in place at the time of visiting.
Our schedule is subject to change in order to comply with the latest rules and measures. We are happy to discuss all the details about your safe visit to the Eugenides Foundation, so please do not hesitate to contact us!